Half-Glass Gaming [Episode 20] : We’ve Been Drinking Cupcakes


In an unusual turn of events, the Reverend ends up being the most sober member of the gang after Mandi serves up cupcakes that are practically drenched in alcohol. This lack of inhibition allows for topics like culinary school remorse, butt blisters, and passionate hatred for “The cake is a lie” non-jokes.

After the break, we celebrate the All-American turkey feast that is Thanksgiving by talking food, libations, and illicit substances. We explore food as the go-to video game power-up, the mayonnaise-based origin story of the Cooking Mama series, Josh’s short-lived obsession with Nom Nom Galaxy, the Pork Bun Guy from Sleeping Dogs, and sooooo much Persona 4. We also talk realistic cooking vs. crafting-style cooking, whatever the hell pieces of water are, and the frustratingly wonderful Don’t Starve.

And through it all, the Reverend’s inability to discern between cookie types is a hatchet that just won’t stay buried.

Also, be sure to stay tuned after the episode for our drunkest outtake yet.

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Jimmy Mamatas
Jimmy Mamatas
9 years ago

Great episode! I haven’t played most of the games you talked about, but I’d very much like to try some of them. And although I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, perhaps I’ll treat myself to a cupcake in your honor.

Josh Wirtanen
Josh Wirtanen
9 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy Mamatas

What a cool new tradition! Cupcakes for all!

9 years ago

I’m a huge fan of games that let me cook. I love that cooking is so useful in the new Fallout. Fallout is also nice because unlike some other games I play, it never makes me hungry for anything.

Josh Wirtanen
Josh Wirtanen
9 years ago
Reply to  mako33

You mean you don’t ever crave some nice roasted radroach meat?

9 years ago

Cake is a lie is funny. Sorry not sorry.

Elizabeth Thompson
Elizabeth Thompson
9 years ago

I feel like Cake is a Lie jokes are funny when they’re actually jokes. An example that I mentioned (but got left out of the final cut of this episode) was something my daughter did at a local Sci-Fi/Fantasy convention. She cut a piece of styrofoam in the shape of a circular cake. She then mixed up some substance that was like frosting, but hardened into something that felt much like wood. She slathered this onto the styrofoam, so that the final outcome was something that looked like a cake, but was actually this hardened, rock like object.

She then placed it on a platter along side a cake knife, and placed a small sign in front of it simply saying “The cake is a lie”. I found that utterly hilarious, because it wasn’t just saying “the cake is a lie” and expecting it to be funny in and of itself. It was actually making use of the reference in a clever and creative way.

Similarly, there was some fanfiction I read in which an evil businessman led a group of supervillains, who he had employed for legal purposes. The feds were investigating him and his business, so he had to fire them so that they didn’t get caught and tossed in prison. One of the supervillains was asking what was going to happen, and the dialogue read as such:

“So, boss? Are things ever going to be the same?”

“Don’t worry. Once this all blows over, I’ll hire you all back. There’ll be a party with cake and everything.”

“And if it doesn’t blow over?”

“Then the cake is a lie.”

In other words, I like it when the reference is not the whole of the substance. If someone just mentions cake and the honesty thereof and expects that to be funny because Portal, then they’ve failed. However, if someone is doing something completely non-Portal related, and manages to work in the reference in some way that doesn’t feel forced, then I find it rather amusing.

-The Reverend

Anno 2205
Anno 2205
9 years ago

I don’t often think about food in video games, but I guess there is a lot of it. I don’t mind food as healing items but I would rather build in games instead of cook.

9 years ago

Don’t have much to add to the conversation, but I wanted to say that I really enjoyed the episode. This podcast is always a treat.

Josh Wirtanen
Josh Wirtanen
9 years ago
Reply to  Thief921

It’s always a treat hearing from our listeners! Thanks for dropping some encouragement, and I hope you love the stuff we’ll be doing in the near future!

Josh Wirtanen
Josh Wirtanen
9 years ago
Reply to  Thief921

It’s always a treat hearing from our listeners! Thanks for dropping some encouragement, and I hope you love the stuff we’ll be doing in the near future!

Jelly Genesis
Jelly Genesis
9 years ago

Cooking was one of my favorite things about Dragon’s Crown. The system is so interesting, probably the best part of the entire game. I’m a vegetarian too, but I only avoid meat in video games if it’s pointless, like in Skyrim.

Josh Wirtanen
Josh Wirtanen
9 years ago
Reply to  Jelly Genesis

I’ve heard that about Dragon’s Crown. I played it for about five hours, but the CONSTANT tutorial stuff was really hard to get through. I do want to go back and finish it eventually. I haven’t done any of the cooking yet!

Josh Wirtanen
Josh Wirtanen
9 years ago
Reply to  Jelly Genesis

I’ve heard that about Dragon’s Crown. I played it for about five hours, but the CONSTANT tutorial stuff was really hard to get through. I do want to go back and finish it eventually. I haven’t done any of the cooking yet!

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